
By Michael O'Callaghan
Andreose, Mario (Editorial Director). The Celts, Catalogue of the Exhibition at the Palazzo Grassi, Venice. Published by Bompiani, Milano, 1991.
Bateson, Gregory.
Steps To An Ecology of Mind, Ballantine Books, New York, 1972.
Perceval's Narrative: A Patient's Account of his Psychosis, Stanford University Press, 1961, Stanford.
The Double-Bind Theory of Schizophrenia, re-published in Steps to an Ecology of Mind, opus cit.
Ecology and Flexibility in Urban Civilization, a paper presented at a conference he convened in association with the Mayor of New York City in October 1970 called Restructuring the Ecology of a Great City, which was sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation. Reprinted in Steps to an Ecology of Mind, opus cit.
Brennan, Martin. The Stars and the Stones, Ancient Art and Astronomy in Ireland, Thames and Hudson, London, 1983.
Brown, Lester R. Building A Sustainable Society, WW Norton, New York, 1981.
Brown, Lester R. and Jacobson, Jodi. State of the World 1987, A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society, W.W. Norton & Company, New York & London, 1987.
Campbell, Joseph. The Power of Myth (with Bill Moyers), Doubleday, New York, 1988.
Chatwin, Bruce. The Songlines, Viking Penguin, New York, 1987.
Chomsky, Noam; Media Control, Verso, London and New York, 1991.
Debord, Guy. Comments on the Society of the Spectacle, translated by Malcom Imrie, Verso, London and New York, 1990.
De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard. The Phenomenon of Man, Harper and Row, New York, 1959 (originally published as Le Phénomaine Humain, Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1955).
Eliade, Mircea. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, Pantheon Books, Bolling Series, vol. 76, New York, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1964.
Estrada, Alvaro. Maria Sabina: Her Life and Chants, Ross-Erikson Inc, Santa Barbara, California, 1981.
Evans-Wentz, W.Y. The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries,
with a new introduction by Terrence McKenna; Library of the Mystic
Arts, Citadel Press, published by Carol Publishing Group,1990.
(Originally published in Oxford, 1911).
Ferguson, Marilyn . The Aquarian Conspiracy : Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980's, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1981.
Français, J. L'église et la Sorcellerie, Noury, Paris, 1910.
Fuller, R.Buckminster. Utopia Or Oblivion: the prospects for humanity, Bantam Books, Inc., New York, 1969.
Galilei, Galileo. Dialogues Concerning the Two Chief World Systems; 1632.
Gantz, Jeffrey. Early Irish Myths and Sagas, Penguin Classics, London, 1981.
Gimbutas, Marija. The Language of the Goddess, with a foreword by Joseph Campbell, Harper and Row, San Francisco, 1989.
Gore, Al . Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit. Plume, Penguin, New York, 1993.
Graves, Robert. The White Goddess, A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1948.
Grof, Stanislav.
Realms Of The Human Unconscious: Observations From LSD Research, E.P.Dutton, New York, 1976.
Beyond The Brain: Birth, Death And Transcendence In Psychotherapy, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1985.
The Adventure of Self-Discovery, dimensions of consciousness and new perspectives in psychotherapy and inner exploration, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1988.
Grof, Stanislav; and Grof, Christina (ed.); Spiritual Emergency - when personal transformation becomes a crisis;
with contributions from R.D.Laing, Roberto Assagioli, John Weir Perry,
Ram Dass, Lee Senella, Jack Kornfield, Paul Rebilot, Holger Kalwert,
Anne Armstrong, Keith Thompson and others; Jeremy Tarcher Inc., Los
Angeles, 1989.
Guinness, The. Hon. Desmond. Country Houses of Ireland,
Guinness, The. Hon. Desmond; and O'Brien, Jaqueline; Great Irish Houses and Castles, George Weidenfeld & Nicholson, Ltd., London, 1992.
Halifax, Joan.
Shamanic Voices: A Survey of Visionary Narratives, E.P. Dutton, New York; re-issued (Rei Edition), Arkana, 1994, ISBN: 0140193480.
Shaman : The Wounded Healer, Crossroad Publishing Co, 1983, ISBN: 082450061X.
Shaman (Art and Imagination), Reprint Edition, Thames & Hudson, 1988, ISBN: 050081029X.
Harman, Willis (ed.). Changing Images of Man,
Policy Research Report no. 4, Center for the Study of Social Policy,
Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, 1974. Co-authored by Joseph
Campbell, Duane Elgin, Willis Harman, Arthur Hastings, O. W. Markley,
Floyd Matson, Brendan O'Regan, and Leslie Schneider.
Hawken, Paul .
The Next Economy, Random House, New York, 1983.
The Ecology of Commerce, HarperCollins, New York, 1993.
Henderson, Hazel.
Creating Alternative Futures, the end of economics, Berkeley Publishing Corporation, New York, 1978.
The Politics of the Solar Age, Berkeley Publishing Corporation, New York, 1978.
Paradigms in Progress. -
Building a Win-Win World : Life Beyond Global Economic Warfare, Berrett-Koehler Pub, 1996, ISBN: 1881052907.
Hoffman, Albert; and Schultes, Richard Evans. Plants of the Gods : Their Sacred, Healing And Hallucinogenic Powers. Healing Arts Press, Rochester, Vermont, 1992.
Innocent VIII, (Pope). Summis Desiderantes Affectibus, 1484, Rome; reprinted in Kramer, Heinrich, and Sprenger, James, Malleus Maleficarum (see below).
Jantsch, Erich. The Self-Organizing Universe: Scientific and Human Implications of the Emerging Paradigm of Evolution, Pergamon, New York, 1980 (re-issued by Pergamon Press 1980, ISBN: 0080243126).
Johnson, Paul. A History of Christianity, Atheneum, New York, 1979.
Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake, Faber and Faber, London, 1939.
Jung, Carl Gustav.
After the Catastrophe, in the Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Civilisation in Transition, Vol. 10, 1945.
Memories, Dreams, Reflections, recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffé, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1963.
Modern Man In Search Of A Soul, translated by W.S. Dell and Cary F. Baynes, first published 1933, re-published by Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1961.
published in the Neue Schweitzer Rundschau, March 1936 (later
republished in Essays on Contemporary Events 1947, and in the Collected
Works of C. G. Jung, Civilisation in Transition, Vol. 10).
Kelly, Fergus; A Guide to Early Irish Law, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin, 1988.
Korten, David C. When Corporations Rule the World, Berrett-Koehler / Kumarian Press, 1996, ISBN: 1887208011.
Kramer, Heinrich; Sprenger, James; The Malleus Maleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger, translated with an introduction, bibliography and notes by the Reverend Montague Summers, Dover, New York, 1928 and 1984.
Laing, R.D.
The Politics of Experience, Ballantine Books, New York, 1968.
The Politics of the Family and other essays, New York, 1969.
The Divided Self, Pantheon, New York, 1962.
Sanity, Madness and the Family, (written with H.Phillipson), Tavistock Publications, London, 1966.
Interpersonal Perception: A Theory and a Method of Research.
Lawrence, D.H. Apocalypse, Viking Penguin, New York, 1931.
Leary, Timothy. The Politics of Ecstasy, 1968.
Leary, Timothy; Metzner, Ralph; and Alpert, Richard; The Psychedelic Experience, 1964.
Lehmann, Peter (Editor), with prefaces by Judi Chamberlin, Loren R. Mosher and Pirkko Lahti, Coming off Psychiatric Drugs: Successful Withdrawal from Neuroleptics, Antidepressants, Lithium, Carbamazepine and Tranquilizers;
ISBN 0-9545428-0-0 / 978-0-9545428-0-1 2004. For more information
including details of other language editions of this book, see www.peter-lehmann-publishing.com/withdraw.htm.
Luna, Luis Eduardo.
The Concept of Plants as Teachers Amongst Four Mestizo Shamans of Iquitos, Northeastern Peru, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 11, 1984.
Vegetalismo, available from the author c/o Swedish School of Economy, Helsinki, Finland.
Macy, Joanna R. Dharma and Development, in Dharma Gaia : A Harvest Of Essays In Buddhism and Ecology, Alan Hunt Badiner ed., Parallax Press, Berkeley, 1990.
Meadows, Donella H. & Dennis L. and Randers, Jorgen. Beyond The Limits: Confronting Global Collapse, Envisioning a Sustainable Future, Chelsea Green Publishing Company, Post Mills, Vermont, USA: 1993.
McKenna, Terrence.
Plan, Plant, Planet, in Whole Earth Review, number 64, POINT, Sausalito, California, Fall 1989.
History Ends in Green, Gaia, psychedelics, and the archaic revival, a boxed set of audiotapes recorded at the Esalen Institute; Mystic Fire Audio, New York, 1992.
Modrow, John. How To Become a Schizophrenic : The Case Against Biological Psychiatry.
Available from Amazon.com. Written by someone who was himself diagnosed
a "schizophrenic", this book demonstrates the physical, psychological,
and social harm resulting from this label and the continuous need to
reexamine the underpinnings and attitudes of psychiatry.
Neumann, Erich. The Great Mother, an analysis of the archetype, translated from the German by Ralph Manheim, Bollingen Series XLVII, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1955.
O'Callaghan, Michael.
Global Vision
: An International Educational Media Campaign to Promote the Goal of a
Sustainable Civilization Based on Renewable Resources and Common Sense, Global Vision Corporation, London, 1997. Published on the Global Vision web site at www.global-vision.org.
Global Strategy : Promoting The Concept Of Sustainability As A Global Goal.
NGO Position Paper for the United Nations Commission on Sustainable
Development, Second Session, New York, 1993. Published on the Global
Vision web site at www.global-vision.org/un/strategy/index.html.
Sustainable City : A Computer Simulation Programme For Any Town Or City To See Itself As A Whole System. Published on the Global Vision web site at www.global-vision.org/city/index.html.
Centre For Science And The Sacred: A Proposal For A Centre To Promote Religious Pluralism. Published on the Global Vision web site at www.global-vision.org/sacred/index.html.
Perry, John Weir.
Trials of the Visionary Mind: Spiritual Emergency and the Renewal Process, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1999.
The Heart of History: Individuality in Evolution, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1987.
The Far Side of Madness, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1974.
The Self In Psychotic Process: Its Symbolization in Schizophrenia, with an introduction by C.G.Jung. University of California Press, Los Angeles, 1953.
Qua d'Arno publishers, Inquisition, a
bilingual guide to the exhibition of torture instruments from the
Middle Ages to the Industrial era presented in various European cities; Qua d'Arno publishers, Florence.
Rees, William E. Revisiting Carrying Capacity: Area-Based Indicators of Sustainability, in Population and Environment: a Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Volume 17, Number 2, January 1996.
Robertson, James. The Sane Alternative, River Basin Press, 1980.
Roszak, Theodore. Person / Planet : the Creative Disintegration of Industrial Society, Doubleday, 1979, ISBN: 0385000820.
Roszak, Theodore (Editor); Gomes, Mary E.; and Kanner Allen D. (Editor). Ecopsychology : Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind, Sierra Club Books, 1995, ISBN: 0871564068.
Saint John of Patmos, The Book Of Revelations, in the New Testament of the Bible.
Schumacher, E.F. Small Is Beautiful : Economics As If People Mattered, Blond & Briggs Ltd, London, 1973.
Sharpe, James. Instruments of Darkness : Witchcraft in England 1550 - 1750, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1996; reprinted by Penguin Books, London, 1997, ISBN: 0-14-013065-9.
Schwartz, Peter and Ogilvy, Jay. The Emergent Paradigm, Center for the Study of Social Policy, SRI International, Menlo Park, 1979.
Schultes, Richard Evans, and Hoffman, Albert. Plants of the Gods : Their Sacred, Healing And Hallucinogenic Powers. Healing Arts Press, Rochester, Vermont, 1992.
Seymour, St.John D. Irish Witchcraft and Demonology, Hodges Figgis & Co. Ltd., Dublin, 1913.
Sussman, Elizabeth. On the Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time: the Situationist International, 1957-1972, The MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts and London, 1989.
Taussig, Michael. Shamanism, Colonialism, and the Wild Man, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1987.
Tsu, Lao. Tao Te Ching, 6th. century B.C.E.; translated from the Mandarin by Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English, Wildwood House Ltd., London, 1972.
Varela, Francisco J.; Thompson, Evan; and Rosch, Eleanor. The Embodied Mind : Cognitive Science and Human Experience, Reprint Edition Mit Press, Cambridge, 1993, ISBN: 0262720213.